The BIG Gravel Grind Rules

The Bluewater Cycling Organization (BCO) desires to provide every cyclist with their best event experience. In order to do this, the following Event Rules & Regulations are in place to ensure the smooth running of the event. This list is not all-inclusive and the organizer’s reserve the right to amend these Rules.

1.Safety-approved cycle helmets (Snell or equivalent national standard) are compulsory and must be worn at all times when cycling. Any cyclist not wearing a helmet while participating in the event will be asked to leave the course.

2. Many of the roads and pathways you will ride are very narrow, with no centre line. They will be shared with vehicular and pedestrian traffic. You must stay to the right-hand side of the lane or path at all times unless passing.

3.Riding in the middle of the road or path, absent motor vehicle or pedestrian traffic, can still cause unsafe conditions for other, faster riders. You must never cross the centre ‘line’ when on the course, if you do you will be asked to leave the event.

4.You may not use your mobile phone while cycling. You must stop at the roadside if you need to make or receive a call.

5.You must have a method to carry water with you while riding.

6.Participants must display all rider numbers provided at registration at all times.

7.Bikes are required to be in EXCELLENT working order – gravel bikes are preferable, but mountain, fat bikes, hybrid touring bikes and recumbent bicycles with proper tires are acceptable. Your bike needs to be in reliable working order so that you don’t pose a danger to yourself or others if you drop a chain, blow a rim, or even eject a water bottle from a too-loose cage.

8. E bikes are allowed but some restrictions apply. Only pedal assist e-bikes are allowed; throttle assist e-bikes are not allowed. You can have Aero Bars fitted on your bike BUT DO NOT USE THEM as they are not safe in large groups.

9.Bikes with children in child seats, tag-along bikes or trailers are NOT permitted.

10. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw a participant from the event if their bike is considered, in the organizer’s opinion, to represent a danger to the cyclist or other participants.

11. You may NOT ride under someone else’s rider number under any circumstance. Doing so will result in removal from the event.

12. Be aware of other participants around you and allow faster riders to pass you on the left. Get over to the right as far as safety allows and let the faster flow pass you. It’s better for them and it’s better for you.

13. You must not deviate from the official event route which will have directional signage throughout. Failure to comply may result in removal from the event.

14. You must follow the instructions provided by event officials, marshals and event organizers at all times. Failure to do so will result in removal from the event.

15. For safety reasons, please do not leave the course without informing an event official.

16. You must adhere to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation Cyclist’s Rules of the Road for the duration of the event. The Gravel Grind roads are not closed and they will be open to non-event vehicles and other pedestrians traveling with and against you. While traffic on these roads is minimal, it is still there. It only takes one.

17. Toilets are available at all Fuel Stations enroute and at Thedford’s Legacy Recreation Centre. Please use these facilities and respect the local area and residents.

18. Littering is both against the law and unacceptable behaviour, especially in this beautiful area. Participants are not to dispose of litter other than in the garbage bins provided at fuel stations and at Thedford’s Legacy Recreation Centre.